A Voluntary Neighborhood Organization

Promoting a shared sense of community among neighbors.


Who we are

The Park Huntington Community Club is a voluntary membership organization of neighbors in the community. It was just formed by a group of (zealous) neighbors in 2019 and has been growing sizably every year since.

You should join for 2023, it’ll be fun.

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What we do

Our goal is to maintain and entertain the Park Huntington community.

We undertake periodic beatification and improvement projects to keep our neighborhood looking great and safe. We also organize community events to meet one another, have fun, and enjoy the benefits of living in a great neighborhood.

But we’re always open to get feedback about how to get even better, so join for 2023 and share your ideas!


When we do it

We have monthly meetings where we do most planning. Attending is optional, but encouraged!

We plan events periodically throughout the year and also aim to work on one neighborhood maintenance project at a time.

As a member, you can be as involved or not involved as you want. But at the very least, we hope you join for 2023!

How to join

Memberships for 2023 are available now! It’s just $95 per household per year, and you can sign up in less than five minutes.

We also offer a senior rate for folks ages 65+, please call Maggie for that at 714-962-4443).

So whatddya say? Let’s do it, neighbor.